Final Table Fatality – 5 Remain competing for the R500K 1st prize.
15K/30K + 30K. Average Stack 1,583,333.
Jared Solomon opens in Middle Position to 75K leaving him with roughly 500K behind.
Ishmael and Vygandas defend their blinds.
Flop 6♠️ 4♥️ 2♣️ – Both blinds check, and Jared continues with 110K, Ishmael calls from SB, Vygandas folds.
Both players check
K♣️ – Ishmael checks, Jarred bets 185K, Ishmael puts Jared all in.
He eventually calls, saying he rivered 2 pairs.
Ishmael shows baby shoes, pocket twos making a set to knock Jared out in 5th place.