Level 4
Blinds: 300/600 Ante: 600
Vygandas raises 1 700 in the Hi Jack position,
James Zackey in Cut Off calls
Chris Luyt in SB Raisies to 7 700
Vygandas Folds,
James Calls
Flop: 10♥ 8♣ 8♠
Chris bets 11 000,
James Calls
Turn: 7 ♠
Chris checks,
James puts out a bet of 13 000
Chris Calls.
River: A♣
Chris Goes All-In
James Calls.
Chris Shows A♠ 10♠ giving him 2 pairs.
James Shows J♠ 9♣ giving him a straight.
James Zackey Wins the Pot!