by ShuffleUp Poker | Jul 24, 2022 | #4 High Roller
The man of the series, making Splendido Poker history with 2 wins this series, ladies and gentlemen, give it up to Moon Khan! Taking 1st place in the Splendido Poker Series Main Event, for an impressive R600,000! This is on the back of his win in Event #2 The Classic....
by ShuffleUp Poker | Jul 24, 2022 | #4 High Roller
Greg Tucker out in 10th, and we’re on the final table. 4k/8k+8k. JP opens utg to 20k, Tucker 3 bet shoves for 225k from BB, JP calls with KK and holds up.
by | Jul 22, 2022 | #4 High Roller
Congratulations to JP Okes on a great performance against SA’s best, earning him this prestigious title, and a healthy R400,000 1st prize! In 2nd we have Moon Khan, winning R227,000. So close to a 2nd win in this Splendido Poker Series 4! In 3rd we have Theo...
by | Jul 22, 2022 | #4 High Roller
Joe Stegers opens UTG, Golf 9 goes all in from BB, Joe calls with A♠Q, Up against Golf’s A♣K♠. Joe finds one of his 3 outs on a Q♣ 3♥ 5♦ flop. Turn: J♥ River: 10♣ to give Golf 9 a straight, eliminating Joe on the bubble. Well played Joe. Good luck for the rest...
by | Jul 22, 2022 | #4 High Roller
JP Okes illuminates Nahum Lum in 6th position. JP’s QQ hold up against Nahum’s AK. 5 Remain with the prizes as follows: 4th – R85,600 3rd – R140,000 2nd – R227,000 1st -R400,000!!!